1 |
Algeria |
Beirut |
Summerland Hotel, Rue Jnah |
2 |
Argentina |
Beirut |
5F, Rue de l'Eglise, Mar Takla, Hazmieh |
3 |
Armenia |
Beirut |
28 Rue des Jasmins, Mtaileb, Rabieh |
4 |
Australia |
Beirut |
Embassy Complex, Serail Hill, Downtown |
5 |
Austria |
Beirut |
Quantum Tower, 241 Avenue Charles Malek, Achrafieh |
6 |
Azerbaijan |
Beirut |
120 Str.2, Area 7, Jdeidel el Mein, Bourj Hammoud (honorary) |
7 |
Bahrain |
Beirut |
Al-Thani Bldg., Raouche (honorary?) |
8 |
Belgium |
Beirut |
10F Lazarieh Bloc A, Emir Bechir, Downtown |
9 |
Bolivia |
Beirut |
Kaslik Tower, Kaslik, Jounieh (honorary?) |
10 |
Brazil |
Beirut |
Rue des Antonins, Immeuble Dr. Amine Helou, Baabda |
Beirut |
1F Immeuble Zakhem Plaza, Rue 44,45, Secteur 5, Kalaa (consulate) |
11 |
Bulgaria |
Beirut |
Hibri Bldg., 55 Australia Str., Raouche |
12 |
Canada |
Beirut |
Coolrite Building, 43 Jal Al Dib Highway, Jal el Dib |
13 |
Chile |
Beirut |
Antoine Boukhater Bldg., 64 New Naccache Str. |
Tripoli |
New Jdeide, El Ment (honorary) |
14 |
China |
Beirut |
72 Rue Nicolas Ibrahim Sursock, Ramlat El Baida |
15 |
Columbia |
Beirut |
6F Mazda Bldg., Jal El Dib |
16 |
Costa Rica |
Beirut |
1F Abd-El-Baki Bldg, Facing Broadway Center, Hamra Street (honorary) |
17 |
Croatia |
Beirut |
4F Sofil Center, Ashrafia (honorary) |
18 |
Cuba |
Beirut |
Rue Abdel Sabbah, IMM. Ghazal, Ein El Tineh |
19 |
Cyprus |
Beirut |
M.N.C. Bldg., Debbas Str., Rmeil, Achrafieh |
20 |
Czech |
Beirut |
Antonieh St., Near St. Bechara Church and Justice Palace, Baabda |
21 |
Denmark |
Beirut |
812 Str., Tabaris, Avenue Charles Malek, Achrafieh |
22 |
Ecuador |
Beirut |
11F Marignan Medcom Center, Rue du Caire (Near A.U.H), Hamra (consulate) |
23 |
Egypt |
Beirut |
Ramlet El-Baida, Thomas Edison Str. |
24 |
Eritrea |
Beirut |
Chatila Bldg., Al Labane Str. (honorary?) |
25 |
Ethiopia |
Beirut |
2F Manhatan Bldg., Badaro Str., Sami Solah Avenue (consulate) |
26 |
Finland |
Beirut |
30 Rue Badaro, Imm. Chaoui (honorary) |
27 |
France |
Beirut |
Rue de Damas |
28 |
Gabon |
Beirut |
4F Fouad Haddad Bldg., Principal Str., Baabda |
29 |
Germany |
Beirut |
Near Jesus and Mary School, Rabieh |
30 |
Greece |
Beirut |
Antoine Boukhater Bldg., Embasies Str., New Naccache |
31 |
Guatemala |
Beirut |
Justinian Center , Ras Beirut Street (honorary) |
32 |
Guyana |
Beirut |
1F E1 Dar Building, Selim Bustros Street, Achrafteh (honorary) |
33 |
Hungary |
Beirut |
2F Massoud Center, Jdeidet El Metn, Fanar |
Sidon |
1F Fransabank Building, Riad Solh Street (honorary) |
34 |
Iceland |
Beirut |
Jabre Building, Jabre Street (honorary) |
35 |
India |
Beirut |
Sahmarani Bldg., 31 Kantari Street |
36 |
Indonesia |
Beirut |
Avenue Palais presidentiel, 3237 Rue 68, Secteur 3, Baabda |
Tripoli |
Boulevard Street, Khlat Building (honorary) |
37 |
Iran |
Beirut |
Bear Hassan |
38 |
Iraq |
Beirut |
Pierre Helou Str., Hazmieh-Rihanieh |
39 |
Ireland |
Beirut |
Kollelat Building, Rue de Chilie, Verdun (honorary) |
40 |
Italy |
Beirut |
2902-2633 Rue du Palais Presidentiel, Baabda |
Tripoli |
Rue Bahsas (honorary) |
Sidon |
Haret Saida, Imm. Debbane (honorary) |
41 |
Japan |
Beirut |
Serail Hill Area, Army Street, Zokak el Blat, near the Grand Serail |
42 |
Jordan |
Beirut |
Elias Al Helou Str., Baabda |
43 |
Kazakhstan |
Beirut |
Sabbagh et Khoury Bldg., Nicolas Sursock Str., Bir Hassan |
44 |
Korea (South) |
Beirut |
5F Camelia 111 Bldg., Said Frayha Str., Hazmieh |
45 |
Kuwait |
Beirut |
Bir Hassan, Rond Point Cite Sportive |
46 |
Latvia |
Beirut |
1F Akilian Bldg., Main Street, Dbayen (honorary) |
47 |
Liberia |
Beirut |
8F Machkhnas Bldg., Ayn Mreyse (honorary) |
48 |
Libya |
Beirut |
Verdun |
49 |
Luxembourg |
Beirut |
Rue Selim Bustros, Quartier Saint-Nicolas, Achrafieh (honorary) |
50 |
Malaysia |
Beirut |
202,203 Savoy Suites, Raoucheh-Andalus Street |
51 |
Malta |
Beirut |
Sarraf Building, Pres. Elias Sarkis Avenue, Achrafieh (honorary) |
52 |
Mexico |
Beirut |
1F Imm. Mansour, 90 Rue 53, Secteur 2, New Naccache (honorary?) |
53 |
Morocco |
Beirut |
Rue des Nations Unies, Bir Hassan |
54 |
Nepal |
Beirut |
Comair Bldg, Badaro Street-Nadim (honorary) |
55 |
Netherlands |
Beirut |
9F Netherlands Tower, Charles Malek Avenue, Achrafieh |
56 |
Nigeria |
Beirut |
1F Al Abir Bldg., Adnan Hakeem Street, Bir Hassan |
57 |
Norway |
Beirut |
Dimachkie Bldg., Bliss Str. |
58 |
Oman |
Beirut |
Al Taisir Bldg., Venezuela Str., Ramlet el-Baida |
59 |
Pakistan |
Beirut |
11F Shell Building, Australia Street, Rouche |
60 |
Panama |
Beirut |
(honorary) |
61 |
Philippines |
Beirut |
1,2F Design Bldg., Abdullah Machnouk Str., Raouche |
62 |
Poland |
Beirut |
Raymond Khalife Bldg., 52 Av. President Suleiman Frangieh, Baabda |
63 |
Qatar |
Beirut |
Shoran Palzzo, Al-Dibiss |
64 |
Romania |
Beirut |
Route du Presidentiel Palace, Baabda |
Tripoli |
(honorary) |
65 |
Russia |
Beirut |
Rue Mar Elias, El-Tina |
66 |
Saudi Arabia |
Beirut |
Al-Manara Bliss St., Ras Beirut |
67 |
Serbia and Montenegro |
Beirut |
Sanayeh (honorary?) |
68 |
Singapore |
Beirut |
Center Sofil, Charles Malek Avenue, Achrafieh (honorary) |
69 |
Slovenia |
Beirut |
Jounieh (honorary) |
70 |
Spain |
Beirut |
Haret El Botm Str., Facing St., Joseph of Antonin's Church, Hadath |
71 |
Sri Lanka |
Beirut |
Mohamed K. Awad, Louaizeh, Baabda |
72 |
Sudan |
Beirut |
7F Mincara Center, Mme. Curie Str., |
73 |
Sweden |
Beirut |
Fattal Building, Ecochard Avenue, Sin El Fil (consulate) |
74 |
Swiss |
Beirut |
Bourj Al-Ghazal Bldg., Avenue Fouad Chehab, Achrafieh |
75 |
Tunisia |
Beirut |
Hazmieh, Mar Takla, Near Officers Lodgings |
76 |
Turkey |
Beirut |
Toubi Bldg., Zone II Rue 3, Rabieh |
77 |
Ukraine |
Beirut |
Bloc B, Al-Bacha Gardens, Sin El-Fil, Jisr Al-Bacha |
78 |
United Arab Emirates |
Beirut |
Al Janah, Ramlat Al Baida |
79 |
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
Beirut |
Embassy Complex, Army Street, Zkak Al-Blat, Serail Hill, Downtown |
Tripoli |
(honorary) |
80 |
United States of America |
Beirut |
Awkar, facing the Municipality |
81 |
Uruguay |
Beirut |
3F Immeuble "Stella Maris", 701/702 Rue Banque du Liban, Jounieh |
82 |
Vatican |
Beirut |
Harissa |
83 |
Venezuela |
Beirut |
62 Rue 31, Rabieh |
84 |
Yemen |
Beirut |
Bir Hassan (Facing Golf Club) (honorary?) |
European Union |